The Sandy Hook Murders started around 9:30 am, Friday, Dec. 12, 2014. My brother died from oral squamous cell cancer on Friday, Dec. 12, 2014 around 6:00 am. We like to say that Michael went first to be there for those kids. He was 51; eleven days shy of number 52.
Thanks for reading.
Sonnet 121- Kaddish for my brother
Tonight, we will grieve my brother’s yahrzeit.
The day that we remember when he died.
A candle will be lit, it will burn bright.
We’ll gather, and recall the day we cried.
Tonight, we will chant my brother’s Kaddish.
A prayer that praises God and memory.
It cannot raise the dead, there is no wish
that fain fulfill upon our earthly plea.
Tonight, candle and a prayer, we lift up.
Once a year, when this day rolls round
I make it habit to pour out a small cup
A dram of Scotch, and memories abound.
Each year and once again, loss will be mourned
And once again, our living hearts be torn.
— — December 2019