Sonnet № 139 — the seizure

2 min readMar 22, 2021


It has been a difficult month…

This is Millie. I miss her terribly.

It has been a difficult month. Millie, we discovered late February, had an inoperable brain tumor. It affected her motor skills, her balance, and it stole her vision. She started to have seizures; uncontrollable , heartbreaking seizures. Our vet: a kind, gentle, loving, and bright man, tried to manage her with several meds. He was up front, we were buying time, and as a science guy, I appreciated his honesty.

Sonnet 139 — the seizure

I watch my pup; around the yard she stumbles.
She’s older now, and blind; no longer spry.
Balance poor, no longer runs but tumbles,
to watch her lurch about, I sit and cry.

Her seizures come from nowhere, she’s a’twitch;
her still-lithe canine body tossed about,
she shakes and quivers, nerves a fever pitch.
She is more than courageous, heart so stout.

Held close to my chest, her body shaking,
her blind eyes turn to my face, I gaze deep.
I must know she knows I share her aching;
heed my prayer, the solace of more sleep.

I watch my pup; she gambols whilst asleep;
when movements cease, my shattered heart doth weep.

March 2021

Thanks for reading.




Written by Dstan58

DStan58 is a teacher, a writer, a dad, a voice-over actor and poet. He's a melanoma survivor and a pulmonary embolism survivor. He's bringing sonnets back,

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