Sonnet №31 Healer, father, friend

Nov 9, 2020


Not me. Although, it looks a lot like me.

Dad had a proper send-off yesterday.

His ashes? Front and center as they should.

We let loose laughter; six months held at bay.

Yet tears flowed, as we recalled his deeds good.

My father was a healer, father, friend.

Son, husband, teacher, sailor were his, too.

Of kindness and of humor, knew no end,

all wrapped inside a prickly and proud Jew.

The softest touch, tough as nails commander,

things were done well or they were done again

Sloth slid in? All suffered with his candor.

Success! Relax, smell arbor and the glen.

To a good man, no harm can come in death

or in life, he recalled with his last breath.

{David L. Stanley:DStan58} August, 2019

I’m bringing sonnets back. Care to join me?

Then give me a follow and share with your friends.

We can do this. Thanks.




Written by Dstan58

DStan58 is a teacher, a writer, a dad, a voice-over actor and poet. He's a melanoma survivor and a pulmonary embolism survivor. He's bringing sonnets back,

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