We lost RBG, a terrible loss no matter who is POTUS. Take a breath, we’ll get this sorted. “A dead calm day, leaves they barely flutter;”
Sonnet 92 — A Dead calm day
A dead calm day, leaves they barely flutter;
a sun-filled day, no clouds to float the sky.
Gaze at the roof, no rain fills the gutter.
Ah, lavender, where bees doth often fly
White moths, they flit the yard in loving pairs.
Red squirrels, scavenge oak trees for the nuts.
Blue jays, they mind their avian affairs.
Black crows, ca-caw and shrieking loud, doth strut.
If I were more a creature of the night,
skunks and possums, I’d see them in the gloom.
Barred owls swoop down with silent hunting flights,
Hence, an owl doth presage a rodent’s doom.
A silent day in fall is Nature’s gift;
One senses summer’s heat and winter’s kiss.
{David L. Stanley}{DStan58} September 2020